Weather Forecast For Marin
We want to give some information compiled from Maritime Meteorology General Directorate of Meteorology; Maritime meteorology; It deals with the natural events that occur in the atmosphere around the sea and marine boundaries, and the scientific and operational meteorological information requests that are required by the deep seas, the coastal part, the human activities in the waters far from the shore. Marine meteorology International shipping in deep seas, fishing and other maritime activities Provides services to coastal and other self-organized activities on the coast. In fulfillment of these services, it is necessary to have knowledge of the different ocean states and the main characteristics of sea air and marine climate in the preparation of reports, estimates, warnings. In addition, meteorological data collection is required to make predictions about waves, storm surges. Acquisition, distribution and archiving of observations are considered to be the key element to implement the marine meteorology program. The fact that the three sides of our country are surrounded by the sea clearly reveals the importance of maritime. In addition to the meteorological support of the Navy, which provides national security, marine trade fleet, equipped with ever-growing and modern systems, as well as fishery, marine and yacht tourism, marine pollution, underwater and offshore underwater mining and oil exploration need marine meteorology forecasts and data. For this reason, it is seen that marine meteorology has a potential to give interesting results if applied both scientifically and in practice.
The subject is given in more detail, and you can also find the following in the document: https://www.mgm.gov.tr/fıles/genel/kitaplar/denizmet.pdf